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May 1st: Intro with guest Bagpiper on history of W.W. Phelps with emphasis on learning the melody. See Below for Lesson Plan.
(Any extra time will be spent working on our Mother's Day song for next week's sacrament meeting.)
May 8th: CHORUS
May 15th: 1st verse
May 22nd: 3rd verse
May 29th: Silent Sing with both verses and chorus. This is an idea from Sharla Dance. She has a great blog filled with so many good ideas.
*Any extra singing time this month will be spent learning a song for Father's Day on June 19th.
CLICK HERE for Teaching Assignments
The Chorus, 1st Verse, and 3rd Verse are broken up into four lines each.
So there will be 4 helpers each Sunday.
I used THIS CHART to stay organized.How I give out teaching assignments (Give out assignments the week before they teach):
1. Call/Talk to the parent of the child to see if they'll be here the week they will teach. Explain to them what his/her child will need to do to prepare (Learn the line, be prepared to teach it to the whole primary using a prop of some sort and or actions). Tell the parent I will be over to give a personal invite to their child.
2. Go to the house of the child. I do this so they will feel important. Also, if I hand it out at church other children might feel left out or not special.
3. Give them a slip of paper with their assignment.
4. Call/Text a reminder to the child's parents the Saturday before the Sunday they teach.
5. Be prepared to help a child who didn't come prepared.
6. I try to take a little Thank You note to them after church the day they teach.
Teaching Backwards!
We will be learning "Praise to the Man" backwards. Here's the order for the chorus, 1st verse, and 3rd verse.Chorus:
1. Death cannot conquer the hero again.
2. Mingling with Gods he can plan for his brethren.
3. Traitors and Tyrants now fight him in vain.
4. Hail to the Prophet, ascended to heaven!
1st Verse:
1. Kings shall extol him, and nations revere.
2. Blessed to open the last dispensation.
3. Jesus anointed that Prophet and Seer.
4. Praise to the man who communed with Jehovah!
3rd Verse:
1. Crowned in the midst of the prophets of old.
2. Faithful and true, he will enter his kingdom,
3. Ever and ever the keys he will hold.
4. Great is his glory and endless his priesthood.
I will have the first helper come up and teach the first (last line). We will sing their line a few times then I will call the next helper up. We will sing their line and the line we just learned. And so on and so forth until all four helpers are up in front of the class and we sing the whole chorus or verse.
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Introduction to "Praise to the Man"
Source for W.W. Phelps storyMy intro will be something like:
"Remember how we talked about how a lot of songs are poems? Well, we have another song that is a poem, written by this man." Show picture of William W. Phelps. "He jointed the church after reading the Book of Mormon." Show first edition Book of Mormon. "Later, he left the church and made some wrong choices. After awhile, he was sad and felt really bad for the choices he had made. He decided to come back to the church. He asked for forgiveness from the Lord and the Prophet Joseph Smith. He was welcomed back into the church again. He loved the Prophet Joseph and he wrote a poem about him. William W. Phelps has ancestors from Scotland." Show Scotland on the globe. "They put his poem to a song from Scotland when they made it a hymn. I thought it would be fun to go visit Scotland and hear this song. It's played on an instrument from Scotland. When I say go, start singing 'I am a Child of God' and line up behind me. We are going to pretend to go to Scotland. Ready GO! I am a Child of God..."
I invited a young man in a different Stake to come play the bagpipes for the Primary.
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Will replace with a real picture after tomorrow :-) |
After he plays the song through, "I have another Bag of pipes for you. Come get one and try to play the tune with me this time by saying DO DO DO in the pipe to the same tune."

"Thanks for visiting Scotland!"
How to make little pipes out of PVC, ribbon, and mod podge
1. Two 10 ft long 3/4" pipes at Home Depot (mine were $1.49 each)
2. Cut 5" increments with chop saw.
3. Drill out 5 holes in front of pipe and one behind.
4. Dip ends in Mod Podge.
5. Tie ribbon in hold in back of pipe.
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